Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Power of Your Words: Intentionally Choose to Be Encouraging and Value-Added

Proverbs 12:18 teaches “Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”

As educators, we, teachers, instructional assistants, principals, and even superintendents, really have no idea of the power of our words on others. The enormity of this responsibility gets lost on us at times. Our humanity gets in the way when we are tired, stressed, physically ill, or emotionally hurt. Most times, we never learn of our offending words until the damage is done. Usually we don’t mean to hurt people. The words just "pop out" without planning.

If we are honest with ourselves, after putting ourselves in the shoes of the offended, we are left feeling badly, misunderstood, and remorseful and wish we could suck the words back in; but, if we have a haughty spirit, we tell ourselves a person deserves it or needs to hear it. What is your typical response after a slip? Even when a heartfelt apology is delivered and accepted, a question is left in the mind of the hurt person... "Will he or she hurt me again? Does he or she REALLY think that?" It takes many positive emotional interactions to make make up for one simple, poorly thought out comment.

Even the Bible says that we in ourselves cannot control our tongues. So then, what is a teacher, instructional assistant, principal, and even superintendent to do? The good news is that we don't have to do it alone. In fact, we cannot do it alone. The power of prayer will provide.

We need to be under the control of the Holy Spirit. We must die to ourselves daily, a choice we make every day, and allow Jesus to rule in our lives. When your tongue is under the control of God, you will speak God’s words, words that add value, help others, and encourage them. We need to specifically ask for Jesus to help form every word that comes out of our mouths, to hold our thoughts captive before verbalizing them, and run them through the filter of Christ. Practice Teach Like a Champion's Technique 47: Emotional Constancy. This technique not only is helpful when applied in the classroom, but it is also very beneficial in all relationships we have.

Even when you need to have a tough conversation with a colleague, student, parent, boss, relative, or friend, thoughtful prayer prior to the discussion will make all the difference. You can speak the truth in love. Tie your emotions to the performance and not the person. The prayers do not have to be out loud. It can be under your breath or silently said in your head. God can hear your innermost thoughts and groans. The prayer could go something like this, "Jesus, I know I am unable to have this conversation on my own, help me to control my emotions and speak your words, not mine. Give me the words that will be meaningful and understood. Please help my friend to hear my words and know that they come from the heart in order to help not hurt."

So, I challenge you make your words count by understanding the power they have by purposely using our tongues in the following ways:

* Say Nothing: The Bible says there is a time and season for everything under the sun, there is a time to keep silent - Ecclesiastes 3:7
* Be a Witness: A tongue that is productive continually wants to build and expand the Kingdom of God. In order to do that, the Gospel must be shared with others. But more so than that, the Gospel must be lived through words and actions that reflect Christ.
* Speak the Truth in Love: Christ not only spoke what was true, but He did so with love. By doing so, the person He spoke to came to the conclusion that what they were involved in wasn’t right on their own.
* Make Positive Confessions: If you talk failure, it will conquer you. If you talk fear, it will grip you. We shouldn’t use our tongues to glorify a bad situation. Instead, we should think and speak positive things. Remember the whole sowing and reaping principle.
* Praise the Lord: Bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. – Psalms 34:1

Dear Heavenly Father,

I pray for each of us to have a humble spirit realizing that we alone cannot control our tongues. We ask that You tame our tongues and not allow any thoughtless words or phrases to "pop out". Help us to use our tongues in positive ways that glorify You and lead others to the see You in us. Make our witness one that draws others to the Kingdom and encourages our brothers and sisters in Christ to be Jesus in skin for all.

In Jesus's powerful name I pray - Amen.

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